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Cooking + Entertaining

Chicken legs with potatoes and peppers: the recipe for the second tasty dish

Chicken legs with potatoes and peppers: the recipe for the second tasty dish


The chicken legs with potatoes and peppers baked are a second dish tasty and very easy to prepare. Of the hold chicken legs marinade with a sauce made from olive oil e spices to accompany a potatoes e peppers sliced ​​make it a dish suitable for the whole family, perfect for Sunday lunch or to amaze your guests with a unique combination of flavors. They can also be prepared in advance and reheated just before serving.

This recipe also lends itself to being adapted to your tastes, for example by replacing chicken with del turkey or by adding some onion to give an extra touch. If you fear that some of the diners may not appreciate the spicy sauce, you can simply omit it, seasoning the chicken with only olive oil: the result will be just as irresistible.

If instead thepairing of chicken and spices it teases your palate, also try the chicken legs in a pan with herbsan equally easy and tasty second course.



Extra virgin olive oil

How to make chicken legs with potatoes and peppers

First prepare the sauce, putting salt, pepper, rosemary, ginger, paprika and curry in a small bowl 1then add the lemon juice 2 and extra virgin olive oil 3 stirring for a few seconds.

Slice the peppers 4 and potatoes 5 and arrange the chicken legs in a baking dish alternating them with the potatoes 6.

Now pour the sauce over the chicken and potatoes 7add the peppers 8 and bake at 180 ° C for 40 minutes. Once cooked, serve the chicken legs accompanied by potatoes and peppers 9.


Chicken legs with potatoes and peppers can be stored for 1-2 days in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

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