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Cooking + Entertaining

Watermelon Smoothie: The easy and refreshing summer smoothie recipe

Watermelon Smoothie: The easy and refreshing summer smoothie recipe


Lo smoothie all’anguria it’s a summer smoothie fresh and creamy, whose consistency is very reminiscent of that of a sorbet. To prepare it you need only 3 ingredients: watermelon, latte e lemon juice. Our version does not include ice, because before being blended thewatermelon he comes frozen for one nightbut if you prefer you can skip this step and add ice cubes: in this case the smoothie will be less dense, to drink with a straw.

You can replace lemon juice with lemon juice lime and, if you like, decorate the smoothie with a few leaves of demand. Watermelon is a very sweet fruit, so we preferred not to add sugarbut you can add a tablespoon, or choose to sweeten with agave syrup o miele.

To prepare this creamy smoothie you can use a smoothie blender or an immersion blender, it will only take a few minutes.

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How to make watermelon smoothie

Remove the peel and seeds from the watermelon and cut it into pieces 1. Put it in an airtight bag and leave it in the freezer for 12 hours. Put the frozen watermelon, lemon juice and milk in the blender 2 and blend until you have a creamy mixture without pieces. Serve the smoothie in glasses 3.


The watermelon smoothie can be stored in the freezer for 3-4 days circa.

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