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Quince liqueur: the recipe for a simple and fragrant digestive

Quince liqueur: the recipe for a simple and fragrant digestive


He quince liqueur it’s a typically autumnal alcoholic digestiveideal to serve at the end of a meal: a delicious liqueur, fragrant and by flavor sweetish. It is obtained from quinces, mine a pearwhich give the drink a slightly acidic note.

The body oh quince pearsin fact, they refer to the same fruit, and are eaten cooked to reduce their slightly acidic taste. Rich in substances beneficial to the body, they contain a natural thickener, pectinuseful in the preparation of Quince marmalade or the Quince Jellythe solid jam typical of Sicilian cuisine.

Making quince liqueur at home is very simple, but requires a few essential tools – a fine strainer, a grater and a cloth – and at least 2 months of time, between maceration and ageing. The quinces are grated with the skin on, infused in 96° alcohol and flavored with cinnamon, cloves and star anise. Finally, they are added with a sugar syrup, filtered and bottled. Just like the Nocinothe older this liqueur, the better it is: a characteristic that makes it perfect to prepare in advance and to offer at Christmas.

Discover the step-by-step recipe for making a tasty quince liqueur, with all the tips, curiosities and conservation methods related to the preparation of this alcoholic drink. Finally, if you like aromatic liqueurs, try it too pomegranate liqueur or the myrtle liqueurexcellent as a digestive and aperitif.

How to make quince liqueur

To make quince liqueur, start by washing the fruit. Dry them well and coarsely grate the pulp and skin. If you prefer, you can also cut them into small pieces or thin slices 1.

Place the quinces in a large glass jar 2. During this phase, proceed quickly to prevent the apples from starting to oxidize.

Add the cinnamon, cloves and star anise and let the mixture macerate, in a dry place away from light, for at least 30 days 3.

After the indicated time, devote yourself to the preparation of the syrup. In a saucepan, heat the water with the sugar, bring to a boil and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved 4. Pour the syrup into the jar with the alcohol and the quinces.

Then filter the mixture twice, first with a fine strainer and then with a clean cloth: double filtration will prevent the pulp residues from settling at the bottom of the bottle or making the liquid more opaque. It is important to press the quince pulp well after the infusion phase, possibly with a kitchen press, because it contains a lot of liquid 5.

The quince liqueur is ready 6. Let it rest for another 30 days before consuming it: thus, the flavors will settle and the alcohol will take on a less strong taste.


To obtain a quince liqueur softer, you can increase the dose of sugar and use 1 kilo for 1.5 liters of water. It will also change the Alcohol contentyes will drop from 40° to about 30°.


The quince liqueur is stored at ambient temperature by Several months. This is because, just like other liqueurs, aging refines its flavor, making it tastier.

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